Captain's Blog

Captain's Corner--PPSS, Travelogue

Vision for the Blog

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The Captains blog is designed to nurture and cultivate two primary interests. The first  is to create a travelogue for armchair sailors, website browsers and subscribers by posting regular photos, videos and reports on our summer wanderings.   The second is to open up a forum of creative sharing called P.P.S.S. (prophets, poets, sages and saints)  initiated

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The Swiss videographer post

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Meet Lucas Favre.  He came on the videographers workshop to Desolation Sound and is the one you saw on instagram leaping off the cliff.  I really like his comment on life in this video.  It was very akin to our “twenty years from now…… Mark Twain …mantra for Pacific Encounters. He almost lands in the

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Getting blog feet wet

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Ok. Just making a go of it here to see if this works. First summer of posting. I will try to improve as we go along. Three cruises already and its only the beginning of June. First trip on May long weekend in Desolation Sound, a team of videographers from Switzerland, Hawaii, Chicago, Victoria and

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Captain's Corner--PPSS

Miyagi in the Belly of the Whale


Mr Miyagi balanced precariously on the edge of the new and interesting cavity which my friend Dwight and I had opened up in the floor of the pilot house. We were doing some maintenance on the big red diesel that hunkered down in that dark cave. The cat had no idea it was the source of the horrendous roar and subsequent terror that plagued him in his new life aboard Porpoise. In its quiet state it was just another of the incomprehensible objects to reconnoiter here. He stepped gingerly along the teak parquet floor…

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